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Before: Smile After braces and gum lift directed by Dr. Ceyhan
After: She is now enjoying a new, beautiful smile !

Kira: Ummmm, My Puppy Broke it? Bonding

Imagine a lazy Sunday afternoon lying on the couch with your puppy, snuggling, face to face. Too cute right?! Gotta get a selfie! Stretching your arm out, to get the perfect shot, you take the pic and drop your cell phone hitting yourself in the mouth and breaking your front tooth in half! Well that’s just what Kira did.

The next day, Kira saw her dentist to make sure everything was ok so that she was not in pain.  Her dentist went over the different ways he could restore that tooth with a crown, or a porcelain veneer or even a white filling. Ultimately, her dentist said that because it’s was her very front tooth, Kira should see a prosthodontist to get the best esthetic result and referred her to my clinic.

After reviewing treatment options with Kira, and the costs and time needed to fix the tooth, Kira decided to go with a Direct-Bonded, hand sculpted tooth material that I would apply chair side in one appointment.

This gave Kira the quickest, most conservative and cost effective result because I didn’t have to grind any of her tooth down or use a dental lab to make the restoration. With her tooth invisibly restored Kira was ecstatic to have her smile back and was referred back to her general dentist for her regular dental care.

Shhhhhhh………….Prosthodontists are dentistry’s best kept secret

See what Dr. Jeff Ceyhan can do for you today!

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